Another wonderful day with great company, great food and progression from all of us...starting the day with three (the bees calling the loudest for time) but finishing with four and a pop in from our missing friend in the USA. Our final member enjoying family time on the half term break with children, grand children and several other family members!!
The day started with a massive show and tell - whoop whoop finished items!! For some of us it does happen but not very often! And some very close to finish....
Finished 1st Granny Square from AB - a gift of a little dolls blanket |
Practise Sample from CD |
First Half of a wall hanging CD |
Quilt As you Go - Layered together ready for final quilting CD |
Small Crochet Blanket CB - Donation for SANDS |
Work In Progress for the day.....
Third layer finished, onto the forth of the Giant Dahlia- CB |
New crochet project from AB - Practise sample first |
Crochet Poppy from CD (Along with some hand quilting) |
Hand Quilting from HW |
(D has just asked why I'm putting a bowl of sou up lol - we are mad!!) Great lunch as usual - lovely soup with home made bread yum yum...
Pavlova from AB from dessert ....nom nom
We also had gifts and a cake for CB's birthday (missed a picture of the cake D'oh) - amazing gifts and a chorus of Happy Birthday! Christmas meal was confirmed, and a decision made on Christmas gifts this year!
The a new year fast approaching, we will need to bring diaries to the next meeting to book our dates!